De-Mythifying Astral Projection 7

Continuing my series on busting myths about Astral Travel based on my experiences and of those I know, I next want to address the often-voiced thought by people, that Astral Projection is intrusive to one’s thoughts. 

Many actually spread the idea that it changes one’s religious beliefs.

Myth 9: Astral Projection changes a person's religious beliefs.

Truth:  Astral Projection or Astral Travel is not connected in any way with one’s religious beliefs.

In fact, an in-depth study of 350 participants was conducted and published by Dr. Melvin Morse in 1992. According to that study, out-of-body experiences did not seem to alter one's religious beliefs. In fact, most people reported that their religious beliefs were confirmed and strengthened by their out-of-body experiences.

In more recent times, informal studies have confirmed the same. Thus one can safely travel with the conviction that one is only plumbing the astral spheres and the landscapes of the consciousness. Conscious thought and beliefs have never been impacted.

Next, we shall see how far one’s astral being can travel.


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