My Astral Travel Experiences

#AstralTravel is a strange thing to happen to one. It could be a blessing, often a joyful experience, as you might have seen from my tales of many #OutofBodyExperiences, #OBE, that I have told here. There are many, like me, to whom travelling to the #astralplane is almost a fact of life. It happens. I know from my own experience. After many years of #astraltravelling, when the experiences started to weigh heavily on my mind, I did try to meet many healers to help me reduce, mitigate or even totally stop this happening to me. But the #astralexperiences continued. They finally did not manage to 'exorcise' me of it, as one of them said! As if it was a spirit that had possessed me! However, the end-result is that, to this day, I have many astral experiences, and I have accepted it as part of my life. Many times it tells me good things, I get to met people on the astral plane whom I would otherwise not meet, and sometimes, it warns me of something negative that was like...