My Astral Travel Experiences

My astral experiences, at times increased in frequency and incomprehensibility, especially when I had many traumatic things happening in my life. They just added to my desperation.
There’s this glitzy dinner somewhere, a buffet-style, with fairy lights all over the trees. On one side, there’s this huge black tawa, really hot, and burgers are being made on it. Suddenly I see this infant, about four months old, a white baby standing, yes actually standing and trying to go over the tawa to press a burger and make it brown. 
As soon as I lay eyes on this sight, I run towards him and start shouting to the other guests that he is unattended, but nobody seems to hear me. I go very close to him and tell him to move, but he pushes away. As he pushes away, his hand touches the tawa and he gets burnt. 
I go to pick him up and bring him down off the tawa, all the while telling him it’s okay, he’ll be fine, but he is not even crying, there’s no expression on his face. When I am about to pick him up, I realise that he is standing firmly on the hot plate.  I grab a towel and place it on the floor, pick him up in a trice and place him on it. He looks like a little piglet, some parts of his body baby pink, and some totally burnt black. I have never seen such a sight in all my life.  
When I woke up in the morning, the effect of this memory still shocked me and I shuddered. I worried about whether Rohan was well, and I worried more whether my maid was okay. 
My earlier travels to the astral plane involving burnt arms were to do with her. They were both good, and I thanked my Blue God fervently. I shudder to this day when I remember this episode.


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