De-Mythifying Astral Projection 10

Is your astral travel real? How close is an astral experience to reality?

Many people have reported that their experiences in the astral realm are realistic. Some swear that they actually traveled to different places that they have in reality, never ever been to. How realistic are your experiences in the astral plane? 

Let us look at some common conceptions about astral projections, and also at the reality, based on actual, documented experiences.

Myth 15: You cannot touch objects in the Astral, you only see and feel that they are there.

Truth: You can definitely touch and feel Astral objects in the Astral plane, just as you can touch physical ones in the physical plane. 

But in the Astral, under normal circumstances you cannot touch physical objects. If you attempt to, your hand will pass right through them. That's why you have heard that your Astral body can pass through walls!

Myth 16: It is necessary to be good at visualization in order to Astral Project.

Truth: Visualization is not at all a necessary requisite for Astral Travel, but if the projector can increase her ability to visualize, it will help her progress faster.

In the next blog, we shall address another very key bit of misinformation about Astral Traveling – do you need artificial stimulation to project? 

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