De-Mythifying Astral Projection 11

Can you induce #astraltravel through the use of #psychotropic #drugs?

Myth 17: Drugs can be used to help induce Projection.

Truth: Some kinds of Drugs do induce projection, but I do not recommend any kinds of drugs because they harm your Astral vehicle.

The key to a productive out-of-body experience is complete control, and control is the first thing lost when you use any kind of mind-altering substance. Drugs curtail your spiritual growth. They take you to the lower Astral Plane full of confusion and disorientation.
It is dull, gloomy, and full of negative energy.

The lower Astral is very unlike the vibrant, progressive, positive Astral we are seeking to achieve. Why contaminate the biological vehicle when effective results can be achieved naturally? Don't put your body at risk.

If there is real desire to experience Astral Projection, then that desire along with consistent practice will get you there.

We next shall look at whether one can meet other human beings during astral travel.
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