Astral Travel

I am an ordinary human being, a daughter, lover, wife, mother, socialite with a not-ordinary ability – Astral Traveling.
This just happened to me some time back, and I thought it good for me and for others that I share my thoughts and experiences about it.
The idea that humans can leave their bodies during dream states is an ancient one. Countless people — from New Agers to Shamen around the world to 19th-century occult philosopher Madame Blavatsky — believe that it is possible to commune with cosmic intelligence through visions and vivid dreams experienced during astral projection, also known as out-of-body experiences.
Surveys suggest that between 8 and 20 percent of people claim to have had something like an out-of-body experience at some point in their lives — a sensation of the consciousness, spirit, or "astral body" leaving the physical body.
Science and Astral Projection      
There's really no way to scientifically measure whether or not a person's spirit "leaves" or "enters" the body. The simplest explanation for out-of-body experiences is that the person is fantasizing and dreaming, because there is no scientific evidence that the soul exists.
It is also possible that some out-of-body experiences are the result of dreaming during what is called "microsleep" — falling asleep for anywhere from a fraction of a second to half a minute, and not realizing it. If someone has a sudden, unexplainable and vivid dream and does not know they were asleep, they could easily interpret it as an out-of-body experience.
But my idea here is not to analyse astral projection. I experience it and I want to share my experiences because I find what I ‘see’ very real  for me..
Astral Body is the body's invisible duplicate, also called the ethereal body. It is where all of our wishes and feelings are stored in our body. But how can the astral body leave and later also return to the (same) physical body?

Well, there is this silver cord that connects the physical body with the astral body.
The silver cord is attached from the moment that the astral body and the physical body connect. It is this cord that recalls the astral body to the physical body.

Astral Plane. Where is it exactly that we go when astral projecting? You visit the astral plane which is to the physical universe as your astral body is to your physical body. There is no universal agreement among experts about exactly how the astral plane is structured but most agree that the astral plane is an alternate reality which vibrates at a different rate than our own, just slightly out of sync with the universe we inhabit physically, and that there are many different levels to the astral plane.

In my next blogs, I shall address common Myths about astral travel and respond with the Truth.


  1. Wowww, awesome Joey.... What a great idea to blog and take all of us along
    on your astral journey.

    1. Thank you, the least I can do is take you along!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, absolutely, keep supporting me!

  3. Thats an amazing have to travel as an astral body.I wish you more profound spiritual exps.further.Waiting for your next blog.

    1. Thank you, keep supporting me! Hope you are following the blogs!

  4. Amazing blog, congratulations Joey.

  5. Interesting...waiting for more

  6. Thanks for sharing ... looking forward to more

    1. Experiences such as these completely change your perceptions about life,, and makes one realize that we live in body consciousness and get attached to relationships and material world,, not realizing the transitory nature of everything.
      - Priyanka M

    2. Thank you, keep supporting me Priyanka! Let's talk?


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