My Astral Travel Experiences

This #Astral #Experience is one of my more pleasant ones, so I thought I'd share it first with you.

I am sound asleep after a tiring and busy day. It’s a kind of happy tiredness, a slowing of my whole self, in happiness at a day well-spent, doing a whole lot of stuff that demanded my perennially hassled attention. 

I’m on a sail boat, it’s a long wooden sail boat. And it seems to be floating gently along on auto. The pristine white sails seem to soar straight into the sky. Did I go to to a boat and fall asleep, I ask myself. I look around at the beautiful, turquoise-blue Mediterranean Sea. Its beautiful. The sky seems to meet the sea, seamlessly, I can’t seem to make out the horizon line at all, it seems as though it has united with its Love, the beautiful, azure sea.

I am alone on the boat. Me and the silence. Besides the sound of the waves lapping against the hull, there is no other sound. I love silence, it’s so peaceful. No sound of humans, no other sound. But wait, I see a seagull flying towards the boat. Its white wings looking like perfectly-controlled sails, it dives straight down towards me, making a beautiful
sound, so now I have company. I love this company. It’s not intrusive. We float along in companionable silence, mostly.

It is beginning to get dark, I can see the sky changing from blue to a gently fiery orange. Strokes of orange and yellow, like a painting and soon, as the entire sky turns grey, a sad feeling comes over me. The beautiful day has gone by, and I stand and watch the night fall. I am tired but extremely happy that I have seen such a wonderful sight.

And now, I must sleep, go back to my peaceful sleep. I curl up on the bench of the boat, and drift into a blissful sleep, while listening to the sound of the waves against the sides of the boat, rocking me to sleep.
And suddenly the boat rocks violently, shaking me, roughly. I’m still far, far away inside myself, but the shaking is incessant, insistent.

 ‘Joey, Joey, wake up, it’s time…wake up!’

It’s my husband’s urgent voice, he’s shaking me by my shoulders, supposedly gently.  I try to emerge groggily from the depths of my sleep. I don’t want to leave this place; I want to sleep peacefully for some more time, please let me stay here a little longer. 

Please Andy, I think, stop waking me up, ‘cause I can’t come out of here so quickly. Andy, please wait, my bleary eyes plead with him, as his handsome, blurred face swims into view.

I’m coming back, please wait, I’m coming back.

He looks a bit relieved, and straightens up, smiling a happy, good morning smile. I slowly drag myself back to the world.


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