My Astral Travel Experiences

I do have a number of pleasant #astralexperiences, they are like something that had actually happened to me. So in time, these experiences merge into my overall memory or consciousness too, they become a part of who I am. Has anyone of you experienced this, even as dreams? Do share in the comments section below. 

Let me relate one of these experiences on the #astralplane to you now:

Andy has got this amazing new, red sports car. He drives up to me as I walk out on to the Marriott portico, and gallantly stops and picks me up. I’m thrilled, and we drive off in it. I roll down the window and put our my hand. The cool breeze is pleasant on my face, and my hair is flying in all directions. Then I slowly open out my arms, and feel myself flying. I want to keep flying all my life. This feeling is so beautiful that I don’t want it to go. 

Every time Andy says let’s turn back and go home, I am like, ‘No please, just keep driving!’. Finally he just turns back and takes me home. I am so, so happy. I’m happy that he likes to do these funny little things for me. He’s a nice man. 

But just see what happened after that. Barely four days after that dream, Andy waltzed into the bedroom after a dinner during which I had noticed he seemed to very excited or preoccupied. I thought it must have been something to do with his work.

I turned out it was. He had a meeting in Seattle at Microsoft about a very large order, and since that was only two days’ work, he had decided to combine that with a holiday.

Say Aloha to Paradise! Holiday for two, at Honolulu, in Hawaii’, he announced as he gleefully showed me the ticket jacket from the travel agent. He was really taking me away from it all, far, far away!

Do my #astraltravels predict the future? I don't know but I certainly do know that there very often is a direct connection between my experiences in the spirit plane to life around me.


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