My Astral Travel Experiences

One of the more extreme incidents of astral travelling that I experienced was triggered by a horrific accident. Most times, I reach the astral plane after i've fallen into slumber, sometimes deep, sometimes fitful and disturbed. But in this one case, I had hit a road divider while I was driving, perhaps a bit rashly, not turning in steeply enough at a sharp corner, and ended up hitting a road divider full-tilt. The car was almost totalled, and my face got smashed in, and I lost consciousness. I suspect what followed was not just an out-of-body experience. It was closer to a Near-Death experience. But my memory of the whole experience was most pleasant. I found myself in an ethereal world. Is there any place as beautiful as this in the world, I asked myself. I was standing by a beautiful silver and blue lake, the calm waters just rippling slowly. I looked around, admiring the beautiful flowers and the mammoth trees with their swaying branches, all immaculately clean…whe...