My Astral Travel Experiences

The experience I'm going to tell you about happened when I was at my weakest, after an accident, in bed, helpless and tied down with pipes and tubes and drips.
I’m walking through a strange place in a war zone. It is genocide. But why are they trying to kill only the men? I stand and watch in horror as the men are shot and thrown into the river. Does that river look familiar? The sight is petrifying. I keep standing there, not moving an inch, my body completely numb. The soldiers keep watching me. They are amazed to see me just standing there, and not running. 
Once the killing is done, they just walk away, and I see Nilu coming towards me. She holds my hand and guides me into a lane, saying she wants to show me something. I just follow her like a child. The lane has been decorated with lights, the most beautiful lights ever put up. It’s mesmerising, the beauty of it. They are of all colours, shapes and sizes. It looks like she has brought the stars down to Earth. I run around the entire street like a child, laughing and clapping. I jump up like a baby who’s trying to reach up to the stars. We laugh out loud together. The world is beautiful.
But with the nights, it all came back again - they were the worst. The darkness never left me. I saw ghosts, every night the curtain swayed to the breeze from the AC and I saw ghosts peeping from behind the curtains, I could sense that they were upset that I had not joined them, they were unhappy to see me fight for life. Every night, I shivered and dreaded the thought of another night. But I fought off the darkness.
It realised later that the experience had a direct relevance to the accident I had had, and had survived. 


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