My Astral Travel Experiences

One of the more extreme incidents of astral travelling that I experienced was triggered by a horrific accident. Most times, I reach the astral plane after i've fallen into slumber, sometimes deep, sometimes fitful and disturbed. 
But in this one case, I had hit a road divider while I was driving, perhaps a bit rashly, not turning in steeply enough at a sharp corner, and ended up hitting a road divider full-tilt. The car was almost totalled, and my face got smashed in, and I lost consciousness.
I suspect what followed was not just an out-of-body experience. It was closer to a Near-Death experience. But my memory of the whole experience was most pleasant.
I found myself in an ethereal world. Is there any place as beautiful as this in the world, I asked myself. I was standing by a beautiful silver and blue lake, the calm waters just rippling slowly. I looked around, admiring the beautiful flowers and the mammoth trees with their swaying branches, all immaculately clean…where was I?? The full moon illuminated the whole landscape in a soft glow, and the leaves on the trees shone with a gently burnished silver, as though they were crafted out of silver and burnished with a brushed-steel finish. Occasional highlights of silver accentuated the dark of the shadows. It was all so very soothing. There was a double moon, one suspended in the sky, amongst wispy clouds that played hide and seek with it, and the other, its reflection in the lake, lightly buffeted around by the mild ripples that were occasionally disturbed by the leap of a fish or the plop of a playing frog. It felt like I’d found heaven on earth. I wondered why I’d never come here ever before. Where was I? 
Just then I saw my Blue Dream, my reason for being! Krishna had appeared on the other side of the lake, smiling and looking at me, his mesmerising  beauty reflected in the shimmering waters. I stood transfixed. It was as if the idol in my favourite temple had come alive. His peaceful eyes looked deeply into my eyes, his lips radiant in a half-smile of reassurance. His blue complexion played hide and seek with the light and shadows under the inky deep royal-blue sky. I was bewitched by his indescribable beauty, for it was not of this world. His was a divine grace, and when he moved, it was as though fluid motion was his natural state. Did I hear the almost indiscernible strains of the flute, playing a soothing, welcoming note for me? His eyes widened slightly, encouragingly.
He stared at me for a long time, and then spread his arms wide open and called out my name. His voice was like music, I loved the way he called out my name. I so wanted to run straight to him and leave my black, confusing world behind. Here was a bright world ahead…he stood there, just smiling and waiting in silence for me. 
My foot twitched, but I was frozen. I just could not even lift one foot. I was tempted, but also scared. How could I leave my loved ones behind, they needed me, they’d be finished without me. But then again, how do I give up on my Krishna and go back home?


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