
Showing posts from July, 2017

De-Mythifying Astral Projection 4

Is Astral Projection Safe? Is it difficult to Practice? There are fears that Astral Traveling is unsafe. We look at this myth and more in this blog: Myth 5: Astral Projection is not safe.   Truth: Astral Projection is a natural experience reported in every culture and society of the world. It is safe for most people but anyone who has acute psychological problems should avoid it.   Myth 6: It takes several years to achieve a conscious Astral Projection.   Truth: Since every individual is different, no one can guarantee how long it may take. Some achieve it on the first try and others do not achieve it even in two years! But if tried consistently, about 30 days is a fair enough time to experience at least one projection.   Can you return to your physical body after traveling astrally? Await the next blog to know more…

De-Mythifying Astral Projection 3

Who can have an  out-of-body  -  OBE - and who cannot? This time around, I really want to make it clear who can or cannot have an astral travel experience. Myth 3:   Not everyone can learn to Astral Project. It is only for a chosen few. Truth:  Anyone can Astral Project but it requires some practice, consistency and open-mindedness. Just like you learn to walk, ride a bicycle or swim, Astral Projection is a skill you can learn. For some people, it just happens. Myth 4:   Only adults can Astral Project because they are more mature. Truth:  Age is never a factor in Astral Projection. It's a recorded fact that children Astral Project more than adults. The reason is that children are innocent and they believe everything is possible, so they achieve Astral Projection more easily. We adults do not believe everything easily. The more we are open-minded and start believing, the easier it is to Project. Age in itself is never a roadblock...

De-Mythifying Astral Projection - 2

Myth 2: Astral Projection is always spontaneous. You cannot learn it. Truth: My own experience has been that, for me, it has always happened to me. I get taken on an astral journey. I do not wilfully decide to have an out-of-body experience (OBE) . And more often than not, most experiences leave me somewhat tired and not to perky when I wake up. While some of my astral travel experiences have been indescribably beautiful, I have never tried to use any method to project myself into the astral plane. You can learn to Astral Project at will. There are countless techniques that teach you how to have an OBE. Since every individual is different, no particular technique is ideal for everybody. You have to find out which method is best for you. Just like anything good in life, you have to practice and get good at it. In my next blog, I shall address myths about who can or is best suited for the experience.

De-Mythifying Astral Projection 1

You might have seen that there are many misconceptions about Astral Projection floating around online and offline. Many of them scare people into thinking Astral Projection is dangerous. I'm speaking from experience when I tell you there is absolutely nothing to fear. Quite often, the experience may not be pleasant, but sometimes, it can be very blissful. Let us see what some of the common misconceptions are and shed some light on them.   Myth 1: Astral Projection is Rare Truth: Astral Projection is a very common phenomenon indeed. Surveys suggest that between 8 and 20 percent of the world's population people claim to have had something like an out-of-body experience at some point in their lives — a sensation of the consciousness, spirit, or "astral body" leaving the physical body. This means around 6 million people in the U.K, or as much as 30 million people in the United States. In India, it has not been documented as much. There are many mor...

Astral Travel

I am an ordinary human being, a daughter, lover, wife, mother, socialite with a not-ordinary ability – Astral Traveling . This just happened to me some time back, and I thought it good for me and for others that I share my thoughts and experiences about it. The idea that humans can leave their bodies during dream states is an ancient one. Countless people — from New Agers to Shamen around the world to 19th-century occult philosopher Madame Blavatsky — believe that it is possible to commune with cosmic intelligence through visions and vivid dreams experienced during astral projection, also known as out-of-body experiences. Surveys suggest that between 8 and 20 percent of people claim to have had something like an out-of-body experience at some point in their lives — a sensation of the consciousness, spirit, or "astral body" leaving the physical body. Science and Astral Projection        There's really no way to scientifically measure whethe...