De-Mythifying Astral Projection 4

Is Astral Projection Safe? Is it difficult to Practice? There are fears that Astral Traveling is unsafe. We look at this myth and more in this blog: Myth 5: Astral Projection is not safe. Truth: Astral Projection is a natural experience reported in every culture and society of the world. It is safe for most people but anyone who has acute psychological problems should avoid it. Myth 6: It takes several years to achieve a conscious Astral Projection. Truth: Since every individual is different, no one can guarantee how long it may take. Some achieve it on the first try and others do not achieve it even in two years! But if tried consistently, about 30 days is a fair enough time to experience at least one projection. Can you return to your physical body after traveling astrally? Await the next blog to know more…