De-Mythifying Astral Projection 3

Who can have an out-of-body - OBE - and who cannot?

This time around, I really want to make it clear who can or cannot have an astral travel experience.

Myth 3: Not everyone can learn to Astral Project. It is only for a chosen few.

Truth: Anyone can Astral Project but it requires some practice, consistency and open-mindedness. Just like you learn to walk, ride a bicycle or swim, Astral Projection is a skill you can learn. For some people, it just happens.

Myth 4: Only adults can Astral Project because they are more mature.

Truth: Age is never a factor in Astral Projection. It's a recorded fact that children Astral Project more than adults. The reason is that children are innocent and they believe everything is possible, so they achieve Astral Projection more easily. We adults do not believe everything easily. The more we are open-minded and start believing, the easier it is to Project. Age in itself is never a roadblock for Projection. The only hindrance is your level of belief.

But is Astral Projection safe? Let’s look at that myth and more in the upcoming blog.


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