De-Mythifying Astral Projection - 2

Myth 2: Astral Projection is always spontaneous. You cannot learn it.

Truth: My own experience has been that, for me, it has always happened to me. I get taken on an astral journey. I do not wilfully decide to have an out-of-body experience (OBE). And more often than not, most experiences leave me somewhat tired and not to perky when I wake up. While some of my astral travel experiences have been indescribably beautiful, I have never tried to use any method to project myself into the astral plane.

You can learn to Astral Project at will. There are countless techniques that teach you how to have an OBE. Since every individual is different, no particular technique is ideal for everybody. You have to find out which method is best for you. Just like anything good in life, you have to practice and get good at it.

In my next blog, I shall address myths about who can or is best suited for the experience.


  1. At some point in life or the other,,we want to experience this Mystic journey. And hope that this is not restricted only to highly evolved souls like you.
    Please take me on this journey with you
    - Priyanka M

    1. Thank you, keep supporting me! Let's talk?


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