De-Mythifying Astral Projection 12

A very often-asked question is whether you can meet other human beings during astral travel, much like you can communicate with #spirits of people during a séance. Well, Astral Travel to that extent has more to do with the sub-conscious, and events that happen are not always dictated by very conscious directions on what to do while traveling. Let us look at a couple of Myths in this regard. My t h 18: It is impossible to meet with other human beings during #AstralProjection. Truth: It is very much possible to meet other human beings, either dead or alive, in a 4-Dimensional format, but if you want to talk to them meaningfully and remember what was said, both of you should be conscious while doing so. If we find them while they are asleep and dreaming, they will usually seem to be dazed or drunk to us because they aren't actually conscious. They may not even recognize us, but later when they awake, it is possible they may remember seeing us in a dream. When we see...