DeMythifying Astral Projection 8

Can you travel only a limited distance into the astral plane?

It is a commonly held belief that, since the soul-spirit has to return to the physical body and is also connected to it by a silver cord, there are limitations on how far one can travel during astral travel. Let us look at this…

Myth 10: You cannot go very far when out of the body.

Truth: In the spiritual plane, do distances matter? There is no defined limit as to how far you can go away from the physical body. But it is important to note that there are certain spaces that you do not have easy access to unless you have spiritually graduated to those areas. In fact, there are several planes apart from the Astral Plane. You cannot visit a higher vibratory plane in a lower vibratory body. Your vibrations have to match or surpass, for your own experience to be fruitful.

Myth 11: There is no cord that connects the Astral and the Physical bodies.

Truth: There is definitely a Silver Cord that connects the two bodies. You may or may not be able to see it, but it is always there. Even the Bible talks about it. Through the Silver Cord, the transference of energy takes place that gives life to the physical. As long as a person is alive, this cord is intact. It can be likened to the umbilical cord attaching a child to the mother.


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