My Astral Travel Experiences - Where am I?

Where am I? 

These little 2-year old babies are throwing tomatoes everywhere, thousands of tomatoes. Then I see these mean looking men whipping the babies on their backs and asking them to throw faster. Gosh, how can humans be so ruthless, that too to babies?

Two of the babies come running to me and hold my hands tight, looking pleadingly into my face. What am I supposed to do? I am confused, and they keep pointing to a door. Then I understand that they want me to open the door and run out so that they get released of their slavery. But if I try to save them then I will get killed, I tell myself. 

Just a fleeting thought, that I dismiss instantly. I decide to save them and get on my knees and start crawling like a baby along with them towards the door. This is easy because I can’t get noticed amongst so many babies.

At last I reach the door. The moment I stand up and try to open the door, it opens all by itself and on the other side of the door are hundreds of mothers standing and weeping. When they see me they fall at my feet and say that they have been standing there for years. Years, my mind thinks, but those babies are so small! They look at my face and say it was a curse. 

There was a curse bestowed upon them that only if someone opens the door from inside would their babies become free. I look up to see all the hundreds of babies running towards their mothers. The mothers are crying with joy now, some are delirious with delight. They say that I am an Angel since I have freed them of the curse.


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