My Astral Travel Experiences

I have had a number of astral experiences involving my dear dog Dino. Many seemed to warn me of his illness to come. I learnt to take them seriously and take care of Dino's health, going for a health check-up to his vet, immediately...the one I'm going to tell you about now was particularly scary:

My Dino is unwell. I see a lot of patches of green pus all over his body. There’s a particular powder that gives him relief. I look for it and remember that it is in the factory. So I tell Andy that I’m going to the factory. 

I reach the factory and open the main gate. It's in the middle of the night, and stray dogs are howling. I’m not scared, but I feel some apprehension. I’m about to step in and suddenly I see that I am about to fall into a deep pit. I’ve stopped just in time. I go over to the other gate and enter. I see that there is black mud on one side of the compound, and some dirty water in-between. There are debris of some construction work on the other side. The dogs are barking louder.

I enter through a door. Inside, it’s not the factory, its some unknown house. Where am I?  I am walking through a very unusual place, there seem to be frightening dark dungeons around, and I am scared. It seems to be part of a villa, I open each door as I walk along a passage, and see very old furniture. The rooms are very different from each other, but I see no colour at all, only brown, everything is a dusty brown.

I walk further along the passage and enter a bathroom. I start applying soap on my entire neck and shoulder and start rubbing really, really hard, and I see a thick layer of black, greasy muck coming out. I cleaned myself all night, the dogs howling away in the distance.

My strange experiences at night were getting stranger.  I woke up with a start. And I was glad to see that Dino was sleeping peacefully next to my bed.


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